Conversation - Rediscover the Joy, Solo Painting Exhibition by Swati Joshi Phatak

Conversation, Solo Painting Exhibition by Swati Joshi Phatak at India International Centre, Lodhi Estate

Venue: Art Gallery, Annexe Building, India International Centre (IIC), Lodhi Estate, New Delhi-110003, India
Parking Available
Landmark: Annexe Building is Next to Alliance Francaise
Venue Info: Events | About | Annexe Map | Nearest Metro Stations - 'Khan Market(Vilolet Line)' & 'Jor Bagh(Yellow Line)'
Area: Lodhi Road Area Events

Event Description: Conversation - Rediscover the Joy, Solo Painting Exhibition by Swati Joshi Phatak

In today's world, human is getting confined to a robotic life and missing out the joy of conversation. Artworks in this exhibition depict the beauty of interaction, be it with nature, one's surroundings, with self and with fellow human beings. It is very important to indulge in enriching and real conversation. That happens when you become the part of your surroundings, a lesson that birds teach us well, no matter where they fly to. Else one can be alone as a king too. Artist has used realism and contemporary and modern style to convey the message to slow down and be one with your surroundings to understand and live better, through her various series of works. 

Organised by: India International Centre, Delhi

Related Links: Art
Conversation - Rediscover the Joy, Solo Painting Exhibition by Swati Joshi Phatak Conversation - Rediscover the Joy, Solo Painting Exhibition by Swati Joshi Phatak Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Friday, October 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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