Dhoomimal Art Centre presents 'An Innocent Relation' an exhibition of artworks by Manoj Kachangal at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 10am-8pm on 2nd to 7th August 2013

Manoj Kachangal Paintings
Click the image above for bigger view
Time : 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Entry : Free

Place : Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Parking : Gate No. 1 to 3 ( Cars ), Gate No. 2 ( Bikes & Bicycles )

Event Description : Dhoomimal Art Centre presents 'An Innocent Relation' an exhibition of artworks by Manoj Kachangal. 

A Silver Moon in the Combusted Colourful Sky
The substance, present in the paintings of Manoj Kachangal, which has fascinated me from the very beginning, is its modest simplicity. In these paintings, the intimate glow of colours is used to fascinate the vision of the patrons by its instinctive curves. But this instinct is not so simple. This 'Instict' is that of Kabir, which is fearless and complex too. These paintings are not exquisite only because of uses of immaculate colours, but also due to reason that its commentary is affluent of energies of lots of contemporary conflicts and revolts of man's land. 
Manoj Kachangal is not a neutral and an apathetic creator; this can be perceived by any patron of art by spending even a little bit of time with his paintings. Every painter's philosophy of life is always present in his creations. This can be found and recognized in these paintings too. How nicely a painter expresses conflicts and clashes of his time and concerns, that even a single stroke of brushes cannot be seen on the surface of the creation, this is a skill of art. Manoj Kachangal is this type of painter genius. In his paintings, a deep pang and call of humanity is expressed as heartstrings. Poise of perceptible charisma and human values is found as multicolour aspects of nature in these paintings. That’s why human of the inner core of Manoj basically gives importance to instinctive transformation. This statement doesn't mean that the creator doesn’t accept his personal biological responsibility for this momentous transformation. The open antagonism of violence, terror, anarchy in these paintings, is an evidence of his favour to human virtues. It is the trust in nerve of creativity which urges Manoj 
Kachangal to aspire to find out the solutions of all the questions, concerns and problems in his paintings.
Manoj Kachangal is not an aesthetic painter, as few of critics used to assume. That’s why it is humbly requested that accepting him an aesthetic is deception with expansion and brilliance of a competent and attentive painter.
Despotic anarchy of Conspirators imbued in global as well as in Indian ambience, is not hidden to anyone. The crisis of fading out generous symbiosis, reminiscences, sensitivities and dreams of man is direct outcome of this anarchy. This situation is been intolerable. I am delighted to see the growing naked resentments in these recent paintings relatively that was in his earlier paintings. The behavior of not only red and black colour has been changed but other 
colours are also more pushing in new roles. The attentive negligence can easily be identified in the spasmodic strokes of brushes, which is present in the effort of a man setting his foot on stone while crossing the hurdles. Are these circumstances of modern man different from this situation?
There is impression of Indian values in the paintings of Manoj Kachangal. Illusion of shades and lights forcibly invite us towards inscrutable mysteries but these mysteries are not other worldly. These are related to circumstances of our life. It is sting of displacement which we get in place of our trivial longings in daily life. 'Thousands of such longings, that we die on each longing (Ghalib)'. This displacement is not only geographical one, but this is displacement of soul too. 
This swerve and labyrinth can be recognized in these paintings. This swerve is to find out the right path or the intended course.  That’s why Manoj Kachangal's paintings resort in his heritage, his traditions, his history and his empirical past.  
And these paintings are a silver moon flickers in the combusted colourful sky like a happy-go-lucky.

Related Events : PaintingsDrawingExhibits | Exhibitions 
Dhoomimal Art Centre presents 'An Innocent Relation' an exhibition of artworks by Manoj Kachangal at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 10am-8pm on 2nd to 7th August 2013 Dhoomimal Art Centre presents 'An Innocent Relation' an exhibition of artworks by Manoj Kachangal at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road > 10am-8pm on 2nd to 7th August 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Wednesday, August 07, 2013 Rating: 5

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