Pecha Kucha Night with the theme "Our Spaces Our Voices" at Adianta School for Leadership and Innovation, D 57, 100 Foot Road, Chattarpur Enclave > 7pm on 31st January 2013

adianta pecha kucha night
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Time : 7:00 pm

Entry : Free and open to the public, with a voluntary donation of 500 rupees. 

Place : Adianta School for Leadership and Innovation, D 57, 100 Foot Road, Chattarpur Enclave, New Delhi 
Venue Info : | MapNearest Metro Station - 'Chattarpur(Yellow Line)'

Event Description : Pecha Kucha Night (see
The theme for the event, in the wake of the recent protests in Delhi, is "Our Spaces Our Voices." It will bring together speakers who have in some way innovated or designed platforms or spaces for the public voice, appropriated and claimed public spaces in some way, or have been involved in the design of public dialogue in some way. 
This past month has seen the public, especially students from all over NCR, come together to make their voices heard. They have gathered in massive numbers, occupying public spaces around the city and reclaiming them for their own. Public spaces in Delhi have always been rather inconstant in terms of how public they really are. As journalist Nilanjana Roy puts it, ‘in this city of power and gated communities: all “public spaces” exist at the pleasure of the state, and the state may withdraw your rights to “your” space at any time it chooses.’ It is this imbalanced relationship with centers of power that the youth now seem to be questioning and rejecting. They not only feel that these spaces are rightfully their own, but seem to also be expecting more from the government in terms of quality of services, accountability and transparency. Moreover, a new kind of discourse is emerging, with previously hidden or socially unacceptable issues now being highlighted and talked about openly. Voices that were previously silenced are slowly being heard across these new platforms, much of which is enabled by social media networks.

This Pecha Kucha night hopes to highlight some of these changes and showcase some of the efforts in this regard. Speakers will include activists, artists, designers and innovators who have participated in the protests, been involved in creating new platforms for minorities, designing and appropriating public spaces for the voiceless, and documented and reflected on these changes in thoughtful and meaningful ways. Join us for what promises to be an inspiring evening.

Some information about Pecha Kucha : Pecha Kucha is the Japanese sound for 'chit chat', and is a unique presentation format that originated in Japan as an informal forum for young designers and architects to show and talk about their work, network with others, and have a conversation about art, design, architecture and more. Presenters show 20 image-only slides, for 20 seconds each, which makes for a rapid and energetic presentation, usually followed by snacks, drinks and conversation.
The immense success of this format has made Pecha Kucha a global event. Its openness and inclusiveness makes it an excellent way to share information, meet new people and interact in meaningful ways with other passionate people.

Related Events : Talks
Pecha Kucha Night with the theme "Our Spaces Our Voices" at Adianta School for Leadership and Innovation, D 57, 100 Foot Road, Chattarpur Enclave > 7pm on 31st January 2013 Pecha Kucha Night with the theme "Our Spaces Our Voices" at Adianta School for Leadership and Innovation, D 57, 100 Foot Road, Chattarpur Enclave > 7pm on 31st January 2013 Reviewed by DelhiEvents on Thursday, January 31, 2013 Rating: 5

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