Ruchika Theatre group presents "Children of the Magic Pen" at Epicentre, Gurgaon - 6th & 7th June 09

Children of the Magic Pen Play
Time : 7:30 pm

Entry : Tickets at Rs. 500, Rs. 300 and Rs. 200 available at the programme desk, India Habitat Centre from May 25. Suitable for all ages.

Event Details : Children’s play Children Of The Magic Pen (English/90mins);
Just what is this jumbo jumble? A pirate in a hot chase for the magic lamp ... a slithering crocodile with a ravenous witch... a hysterical queen and a genie who's out of range...? Follow the heroes of shadow and sun on their crazy quest for a unique treasure.
An Old World Culture presentation.

Language : English

Director : Feizal Alkazi

Produced by : The Association of Writers and Illustrators for Children ( AWIC )

Written by : Nilima Sinha, Nita Berry, Devika Rangachari and Girija Rani Asthana.

Place : Epicentre, Apparel House, Sector 44, Opp. Power Grid Residential Complex, Gurgaon
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Ruchika Theatre group presents "Children of the Magic Pen" at Epicentre, Gurgaon - 6th & 7th June 09 Ruchika Theatre group presents "Children of the Magic Pen" at Epicentre, Gurgaon - 6th & 7th June 09 Reviewed by rohit malik on Sunday, June 07, 2009 Rating: 5

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