Rupesh Tillu is an actor, director and independent film-maker, born in Mumbai India. He holds MFA in Physical Comedy from The National School of Dramatic Arts, Sweden. He has received several international theatre awards such as Outstanding Artist/Act- Stockholm Fringe Festival 2012, A Special Jury Award - Best of Prague Fringe Festival 2013 and many more. His debut documentary feature film 'The Living Gods' is co-produced by the Swedish National Television, which will be premiered in March 2014 at FIFA, Canada. He played the character of Ajay in a feature film Ship of Theseus and also line produced Swedish schedule for the same film. He is the founder and artistic director of Theatreact. Rupesh Tillu produces works of theatre that deals with international issues and have aUniversal appeal. He believes in experimentation and innovation that can challenge the creator as well as theatre as an art form itself. Theatre that is provocative and can stimulate the imagination and raise questions for its audiences.
Rupesh Tillu
Reviewed by DelhiEvents
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
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