Chanakya Cinema closed Now - 27th December, 2007

  • Closed on 27th December.
Chanakya Cinema was a destination of choice for many movie lovers since seventies which was given on lease in 1971 by New Delhi Municipal Council ( NDMC ) but now, it's lease is revoked & the lease holders Aggarwal and Modi Enterprises tried their best to retain it but even High Court ordered them to vacate it till 31st August, 2007. NDMC will demolish the existing hall to build a multiplex. The reason for ending this lease is because it wasn't profitable for NDMC as they were getting lease amount of Rs. 2 lakh a month from a properly worth 100 crores & the lease holders were also making huge money from Advertisements, parking, tickets etc.

Readers are most welcome to share their experiences & memories as a tribute to this much loved Cinema Hall.
Chanakya Cinema closed Now - 27th December, 2007 Chanakya Cinema closed Now - 27th December, 2007 Reviewed by rohit malik on Thursday, December 27, 2007 Rating: 5

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